Replace bow & stern railing

Sorry, it has been so long since I posted, but I am mainly working on the boat, water maker (all fixed now), bottom paint, and railings, including the boom crutch and the fore and aft railings.
All of this started in Sept, 2008 and ended in Feb 2009. However, I became ill due to a mistake with an endoscope and ended up with pancreatis that hospitalized me for 2.5 months during that time. I seem to be a lot better now, but my shoulder operation is still slowing me down. Enough about me and my excuses. Candy and I plan on being on her in Oct and taking her out for a few days sail.
Meanwhile, check out the new railings, they are great. Seems the old ones rusted out after 20 years of use, not bad for iron pipe, but the new ones are alwgrip'd and should last longer.