Close to Turtle Bay
Tonight's dinner...another of Tom's gourmet feasts...boiled carrots...steamed cabbage (pressure cooker)...butter, salt, pepper and the ever present Spam. Actually it was great...the salt/pepper/butter and a glass of Rojo Vino made the meal.
For those that think Yuk on the meal...sorry, but it tasted good. I was going to forgo the salty spam...but the combo came out great, for all of you boaters that are on a long voyage.
I find that Iridium sucks when it comes to email...but great to call my wife and great to download GRIB it is worth it for both reasons. I am using Sailmail (SSB posting) and that is working very well here on the Pacific Ocean.
We had oranges that were poor today I juiced them and got a half gallon of juice. Tastes great. Fridge and RO water maker are working very well. So, our diet is good...what with fresh veggies, cheese, cabbage, carrots, is a good feast.
I am recovered and back to my sailing self...and it is a long way to Port Townsend, WA...we will see where we stop.
Need to lower the Mizzen (lousy cut Sean) and take out a batten that has broken it's pocket& make it loose footed, so we can get it to sheet correctly. All of my sails are great, except the Mizzen. It was lousy from day one. To low (cannot use the Aires wind vane due to the lack of height of the boom) and it's bottom is shaped wrong. All other sails made by Sean and or Carol Hasse are excellent. So, we will try tomorrow night to out-haul it more,take out the batten, and make it loose footed to see if we can get the great shape it deserves.
Have a great day, we are...cheers...Skipper of the s/v Noe Mar
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