Wednesday, November 10, 2010

La Paz, Nov 2010 first day

We installed a new block, the old one was white plastic and the sun destroyed it...what a mess on my last trip getting into the marina.  Block on the main halyard and she was ready to be cleaned. Went and stocked up on food.
 Next day we took off @ 9 AM.  No wind...but after winding our way out of the long harbor of La Paz, we got wind from 4-7 knots.  Up went the sails, shut off the mtr and sailed @ 4.9 knots, pointing about 5-10 deg off wind (yes we have a wind anemometer and a apparent direction indicator on the mizzen).   By noon we had to turn on the mtr...1.5 knots sailing is a bit slow for me.  :-) We were headed to Isla Partida and Cardonel Bay for anchorage.


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