Thursday, February 09, 2012

Showers on the Noe Mar

Seems, I don't have a picture...but here it is...yes, you can take a shower, the door to the "Head"opens and closes off the bow section of the cabin...there is a hot and cold pressurized water with a shower head in the wall of the "Head"...pull it out, wet your self with warm/hot water. Turn it off, soap...turn on rinse...well, turn off and towel dry... there you have it...a real shower. OK, you ask, where does the water go? Good goes into the bilge and the bilge pump kicks on and pumps it overboard. OK, what about drinking water...yup, we have a huge RO water system...all the hot water and drinking water you want. HOT water? Where does that come from...get real, you are out in the ocean...well, the engine must be running...but it heats the small hot water tank in a hurry....careful, it is very hot. Jeeze, what about cooking? Well, the kerosene stove (2 burner with an oven) is rather new and made in the of the best. Now, if only someone was a better chef than I am. OK, what about the Fridge? Cool blue man, and all new (last year) will freeze your beer...oops...forget that...and it runs once a day...and it is large, top loader. OK, so we won't have fresh fruit for 30-40 days, so how can we get our Vit C...hey, did you check out ?? do so, I built the Co from scratch...we have mulits and Vit C on charge, just the best you can buy. I the comments a comment and I will try to answer it. Cheers....Skipper Scotty


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