Inside Noe Mar

As I said earlier, Mary Kohler made the can two or three people live in such a small space for a week or more??
Well, Mary, it was not very comfortable and Candy agreed with you. So, several years ago I had her rebuilt inside so she would be more comfortable for 3 to 4 people. I think I succeeded since no one complained during thes three legs of the journey to San Carlos. She does have 6 ft plus head room...but if you are that tall (I am not) then you need to watch it when you go down to the galley and come back up deck. Of course even 5'6" people like me bang there head on the hatch cover now and then (I have a perminate knot on my head for that reason).
So, here are some before and after pictures of her...and an article was published in the Jan. 2005 issue of Sailing Magazine about her interior rebuild.
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